
انفرد الوانا

انفرد الواناو قصور

انفرد اياما و شهور
معك انفرد
انفرد ابوابا و سهول
انفرد معابر و سيول
معك انفرد
انفرد شظايا و بذور
اتخلق فجرا و خمور
انشق ينابيع و بحور
اروي الزرع بماء النور
معك انفرد
اعطيك مفاتيحي و اغمض عيني
اهديك اسراري و اسمع نبضي
اترك نفسي بلا امل في نهايه
و تبداء الدنيا معك في الحكايه
معك انفرد
دون حذاء مفقود
او عصي بالسحر معقود
او عربه الحلم الياقوت
انفرد بلدانا بلا حدود!!!


Dream Deferred
What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up Like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?
Langston Hughes

i feel strange?

some times i feel like i have to confirm my existance , i mean that i should be searching deep down inside my soul for the things that i think i sould be, i should let the writer come out of my heart and lay myself down to the world ,things small and crazy but i should be doing, seriously i need to do something ,i hate to let my self flow in the circle of work which by the way is not going so well, i feel strange, i feel like every thing around me is strange, i am so afraid of that endless all alike days where you only wake up to go work until it is time to sleep,it is not an easy thing to feel yourself lost alone and with noone with a true vision of yourself, why am i so kidding my self ,i want to fall in love to find a new a job or lets say fall in love i wanna feel that heat that people talk about the flavoure of finding something or making a new discovery , do something thatwouldleft my soul up, i really feel strange, and by the way i may do anyhthing to get myself outof that feeling